Friday 18 October 2013

Funky Fowl class in Molde

Saturday’s Funky Fowl class at Vestlandstreffet was filled with fabulous colours, fun ladies and funky birds.

There are never two birds that look alike.

Some even stitched out a whole love story. It was so cute.

The Funky Fowl class is very much about the students making the birds their own; using their own fabrics and making their own vision come to life. In the class of 9 students, we had beginner and seasoned quilters, fall colours and hot pinks, free motion-ers and straight line-rs. The birds come out with so much personality and people are smiling and enjoying themselves while working. I love teaching this class!

The almost-full-group shot was taken early as one student had to leave, but many of the projects were quilted by the end of the day.

We shared some good laughs as well; there are no grumpy ladies in Funky Fowl classes.


  1. Tusen takk for titten. Er mer og mer sikker på at jeg nå må prøve disse fuglene. God helg!

  2. What fun! and some great funky fowls!

  3. Å så morsomt dere ser ut til å ha hatt i Molde. Desto mere jeg ser bilder blir jeg mere og mere frustrert for at jeg ikke hadde tid til å komme opp en tur. Men som sagt, det er et stykke vei mellom Molde og Malmö.
    Dine fugler ser riktig frekke ut. Dette kurset skulle jeg nok ha gått på....
    Ha en fin helg.

  4. I love your birds Nina Lise! When I was starting to make patchwork I had a picture of your birds on my inspiration board for a long time. Still it's in my 'patchwork' file. Wish I could have joined the fun! x Teje

  5. Really looks like a fun class! Good for you to teach such an enjoyable process!

  6. These birds are so lovely! Seems you all had a wonderful and inspiring time together!

  7. Ahhh, I love all your Funky Fowls! :-))


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